Sunday, October 29, 2006

Up and running

I've been reading the blogs of others for a year or two, and, after talking with a couple of young friends at church this morning, I decided to launch one of my own. I have no idea at this juncture where this venture will lead, but I'm eager to find out.

The past two years have been an adventure in their own right, and I've been encouraged to discover that old dogs can learn new tricks - if given enough time.

Speaking of adventure, the aforementioned couple, who are contemporaries and friends of my youngest daughter, are headed on a 3-month mission trip to Honduras soon. They are eager to go, and busy now raising the funds for the trip. As I listened to Justin describe their upcoming mission, I was reminded of being young and daring the George Harrison song says, "All those years ago."

Let me encourage you to visit their blog site:

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