Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Over the river and up the interstate

I don't know how many of you remember the old holiday tune, "Over the River and Through the Woods," but I recall way back when singing along with my four siblings as we travelled to Louisville, KY, for the holiday gathering at the homes of both sets of grandparents. Those were fun trips taken in a much simpler time.

Now, in today's mobile society, it's rare for a family to be able to gather together in one place on the same day. But, no matter whether you're alone or with a whole "passle" of family, let's be mindful of, and thanful for all our blessings. Like in the movie, "White Christmas," let's remember the words to the song that Bing sings to Rosie, and fall asleep counting our blessings.

(And, if you're too young to remember the movie, let me suggest you rent it - or ask your mom about it.)

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